Arm Yourself for Battle

Weapons of War is a premium course by Pete Clarke about adding killer new lines and bet-sizes to your game which are both theoretically sound and unfarmiliar to your opponents. Most poker students are losing EV by not having enough options on their radar during a hand. If you have never studied the best line in a given spot, then you’re never going to find it in game. From the 4x pot river bet, to the 10% pot probe bet, this course has it all. It’s time to expand your poker arsenal with our armoury of solver approved AND exploitatively effectvie strategies.


  • The Turn Probe Warhammer  |  B250
  • The Delayed CBet Swiss Army Knife  |  B33, B75, B150
  • The Swords of Check Raising Flop  |  3.5x, 7x
  • The River Probe Jab  |  B33
  • The Turn Air Rifle  |  B75, B150
  • The Triple Barrel Cannons  |  B75, B200
  • The Turn Dynamite Check/Raise  |  7x
  • The River Sniper Check/Raise  |  4x, 7x
  • The River Bazooka  |  B400
  • The River Pen Knife  |  B10


(Until Nov 14th)

Available November 1st